
Taking on the Challenge of Creating New Jobs as Part of Regional Revitalization

The Pasona Group is taking on the challenge of new job creation by attracting human resources to rural areas. The aim is to revitalize regional industry by bringing together people with diverse talents. By cooperating with local governments and businesses, the Pasona Group is working on regional revitalization to facilitate the sustainable development of rural communities across Japan, based on the themes of relocation to provincial areas, employment support, Japanese culture, history, food, and health.

Regional Revitalization (Kyotango)

Tango Kingdom Food City (Shoku-no-Miyako)

Tango Kingdom Food City (Shoku-no-Miyako)

As a project commissioned by Kyoto Prefecture, Tango Kingdom was founded through the collaboration of six local companies. As regional revitalization professionals, Pasona Group worked on creating employment by helping to revitalize local industries, promote tourism, and develop local human resources related to food.
