
Financial Highlights

(Millions of yen)
  2018/05 2019/05 2020/05 2021/05 2022/05
Net Sales 311,410 326,984 324,984 334,540 366,096
Operating Income 6,539 9,465 10,577 19,940 22,083
Ordinary Income 6,631 9,237 10,236 20,379 22,496
Net Income 1,288 1,975 594 6,784 8,621
Net Income per Share (Yen) 34.94 50.52 15.21 173.36 220.19
Net Assets per Share (Yen) 604.20 724.91 813.28 974.85 1,276.00
Shareholders' Equity Ratio (%) 20.9 23.7 22.7 25.2 24.5
Number of shares issued and outstanding at time of listing (Shares) 41,690,300 41,690,300 41,690,300 41,690,300 41,690,300
  1. The Company conducted a 1:100 stock split on common stock with an effective date of December 1, 2013, at the same time, adopted a unit share system that set unit share at 100 shares.

Net Sales

(100 Millions of Yen)

Operating Income Margin

(100 Millions of Yen)(%)

Operating income
Operating income ratio

Ordinary Income

(100 Millions of Yen)

Net Income and EPS

(100 Millions of Yen)(Yen)

Net Income
Net Income per Share

Current Ratio


Free Cashflow

(100 Millions of Yen)

ROE (Return On Equity)


PBR (Price Book value Ratio)


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