
Statements of Income

since 2001

Consolidated Statements of Income

(Millions of yen)
  FY2020 FY2021
Net sales 334,540 366,096
Cost of sales 251,570 276,424
Gross profit 82,969 89,671
Selling, general and administrative expenses 63,028 67,588
Operating income 19,940 22,083
Non-operating income    
Interest income 40 28
Equity in earnings of affiliates 142
Subsidy 636 720
Real estate rent 743 735
Other 283 363
Total non-operating income 1,704 1,991
Non-operating expenses    
Interest expenses 290 293
Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method 110
Commitment fee 56 460
Rent expenses on real estates 635 611
Other 171 212
Total non-operating expenses 1,265 1,578
Ordinary income 20,379 22,496
Extraordinary income    
Gain on sales of non-current assets 0 4
Gain on sales of investment securities 4
Gain on sale of shares of subsidiaries and associates 0 24
Total extraordinary income 5 28
Extraordinary loss    
Loss on sales and retirement of non-current assets 367 80
Impairment loss 3,238 132
Loss on sale of investment securities 0 2
Loss on valuation of investment securities 14 19
Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries and associates 56 0
Total extraordinary loss 3,678 234
Profit before income taxes 16,706 22,290
Income taxes-current 7,939 8,826
Income taxes-deferred (915) 69
Income taxes 7,024 8,895
Profit 9,682 13,394
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 2,898 4,773
Profit attributable to owners of parent 6,784 8,621